Monday, August 16, 2010

A common sight

Peas in a Pudgy Pod

It's getting to the point where not only do we stumble into Hawk lounging at the window or on the bed multiple times a day, but him and Bandit have become thick as thieves. At night they play together, chasing, running, fetching toys, etc., and during the day they nap, and this is their favorite spot.

Generally, Hawk likes to sleep on the very far corner of the foot of the bed, nearest the door so that he can see when people come downstairs, but he definitely sleeps and we have tried hard not to startle him (whichs actually works about 15% of the time, poor sleepy mostly deaf cat).

It's yet another big step in the growth of our shadow cat. He's gone from hiding in the shadows to being Bandit's shadow.

1 comment:

Genie said...

Yay for Hawk!!! He's lucky to have his little buddy. Oliver never really made BFFs with any of mine, they like him OK but he's still kind of a loner. I wonder if Hawk would like jazz music? That is one thing that will bring the O-man downstairs in a minute.