Thursday, July 29, 2010

Brave boy

Brave boy, originally uploaded by emu82.

So I'm watching The Road, by myself, trying not to cry and I see a flash of black. I turned around and Bandit was laying in front of the door (like a slug, per the norm), and then I realized it was Hawk.

Brave boy came up and checked things out, always staying near the stairs. He ended up plopping down and falling asleep :D

He did run away when I got up, but after Jer came home and we started the movie again, here came Hawkman.

So we got off one good picture and couldn't be more impressed with him and his brave steps forward.


Kermit Mitchell said...

Keep up the great progress Hawk! I know you can overcome those fears and totally trust your humans.

Kermit and Sylvester are rooting for you and said to tell you that there are really nice humans that you can trust and love. They also send you head butts and nose taps =^-^=

Anonymous said...

thank you Kermit! There will be another post tonight:)

And Bandit told me she give Hawk plenty of headbutts:)

Genie said...

You are doing SO well, Hawk! Oliver and I are very proud of you. He thinks you're way braver than he was when he first came here. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Genie:) We're really proud of him and he's very indifferent to everything (which is good- that's how cats are!)